Sustainability on the Islands

The Department of territory is committed to the management of the Brissago Islands and intends to pursue the principles of sustainability.

There are a number of ongoing projects covering the three areas of sustainability and many more to come in the future.


At the botanical garden on Isola Grande there are various educational activities focusing on biodiversity and respect for the environment.

To support the local fauna, there is a "hotel" for wild bees and a turtle pond for breeding the endangered indigenous species Emys Orbicularis.

In February 2021, the Isola Piccola was cleared of invasive allochthonous species that threaten the indigenous vegetation.

The care of the Islands excludes the use of herbicides and work tools have been replaced by electric machines.


The Brissago Islands collaborate with the Associazione Isola dei conigli, which has been active on the Isola Piccola for several years.

In this context, the students of Istituto delle Scuole Speciali Cantonali of Sopraceneri are given the opportunity to carry out concrete activities on the territory of maintenance of natural spaces. Indeed, they have collaborated with the foresters of the Department of territory in the February 2021 clearing operation and ensure the correct management of invasive species in their juvenile stage.


The activities on the Islands and the articles for sale inside the kiosk must meet criteria of eco-compatibility and eco-sustainability, with a preference for zero kilometre products and for companies that respect their employees (for example in terms of salaries and gender equality)